A Lyric A Day...

...not to be confused with tantric sex. Unless you've got a while.


Ben Folds - Not The Same

OK, Becky definitely gets the credit for making me think of a Ben Folds song. I think this is probably my favorite song of his. It's a true story about a guy that takes some acid at a party, then while he's tripping has some revelation and becomes a born-again Christian. If you've never heard it, or just don't listen to Ben Folds, I can guarantee you that this song is worth your time. One fun note about it...the first time I heard this song was on a friend's "Ben Folds Live" DVD. This song features a chorus in the background, kind of doing a 3 part "ah" deal (as if you have any idea what I'm talking about). Since he didn't have a chorus with him when they made the DVD, he had the audience split up and do it. Very cool :)

you took a trip
and climbed a tree
at Robert Sledge's party
and there you stayed
'til morning came
you were not the same after that

you gave your life
to Jesus Christ
and after all your friends went home
you came down,
you looked around
and you were not the same after that

Have a good weekend!


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